Wellbeing: Be Kind to Yourself

Forget crash beach body diets and sweating it out in the gym, for long-lasting health benefits and optimum mental health, a holistic approach to physical and mental health is key to being the best version of yourself

Nathalie Schyllert is the best advertisement for Bodyism: the classically trained ballerina and ex model who is CEO of the cult fitness brand positively glows with health and has the sort of athletic, long and lean body that so many of us lust after. And she’s passionate about helping clients to live happier, healthier lives as the best versions of themselves – not merely helping them to get into shape. Think healthy mind, healthy body. “We care about clients’ lives – not just when they are working out with us,” she explains. “We find this rounded approach is much more sustainable and enjoyable in the long term.”

Not a gym in the traditional sense, Bodyism’s holistic wellness model offers members unique 360 degree health solutions that address all areas of their lives, and provides them with an encouraging community in which to achieve their goals. The philosophy is built around a focus on four core key “pillars of health” – mindset, nutrition, movement and sleep – and finding the perfect balance between each of these. This is achieved, Nathalie explains, through “results-driven personal training, small group classes, a healthy café, and bespoke treatments. We also have an amazing range of natural, high- quality supplements to support all areas of people’s health.” Led by Nathalie, as well as being specialists in their particular area (everything from boxing to Pilates), all of the Bodyism trainers are passionate about living well. And their focus is on achieving sustainable results through functional training. From the one-to-one training to group classes, every session is designed to be both mentally and physically empowering.

It is a winning formula – since opening on Westbourne Grove in 2016 the boutique studio has become one of London’s most recognised fitness brands. And its influence reaches far beyond the Capital: “With locations in beautiful places around the world we also deliver corporate wellness programmes, hotel partnerships and residential management to help elevate people’s health, happiness, and wellbeing,” Nathalie explains. Little wonder it is a favourite with red carpet stars, too: Elle Macpherson, Hugh Grant, Sienna Miller and Liv Tyler are all advocates of the Bodyism philosophy.

This holistic approach flies in the face of the traditional beach body obsession – a crash diet in the lead up to a holiday will only ever be followed by a big blow out when you’re there. Much better a considered approach to fitness year-round that you can maintain while you’re away, and that will ensure that you feel secure in yourself, whatever you’re wearing. But how to achieve this? We asked Nathalie for her top tips.

How can we get the best out of our personal trainer in the run up to a holiday? Make sure you put in the work outside of the PT session in terms of nutrition and recovery. The training will help, but if you don’t adapt the rest of your lifestyle the results will take a lot longer to show.

What’s your advice for keeping active on holiday and maintaining a fitness regime? I find it’s best to work out in the morning; there’s always an excuse not to get the workout done later in the day. Bring a Bodyism mini band and you can do a full body workout routine. Also, go for long walks and swim if you have a pool or you’re by the sea.

How can I stick to a healthy diet on holiday, and is it OK to treat myself sometimes? Yes, absolutely treat yourself, but don’t go extreme. I usually have one or two glasses of wine with my dinner on holiday but no more, since being hungover will also affect your meal choices and exercise routine the following day. Have an ice cream on the beach or pancakes for breakfast, but perhaps make a healthier choice for lunch, such as a salad or grilled fish. It’s all about balance and enjoying yourself.

What are your holiday health and fitness essentials when it comes to packing? Bodyism gliding discs and mini bands. A TRX if there’s no gym where I’m going and our Protein Excellence for delicious yet nutritious shakes.

To find out more about Bodyism’s membership plans and supercharged supplements, see bodyism.com, 222-224 Westbourne Grove, W11 (020 3327 4640).