Pre-owned luxury fashion ups its game.
We’ve all got pre-loved clothes, shoes and accessories that have somehow found retirement at the back of the wardrobe, and much of them we’re loath to let go of: that vintage Chanel handbag that’s just a bit too special for the oversaturated inventories of eBay, for example. Thank fashion, then, for Cudoni, a luxury online service whose raison d’être is pre-owned high quality designer items across clothing and accessories for women and men.
Easy listing
The seller experience couldn’t be easier, and (music to our ears) it has been specifically tailored for us busy people. Simply let Cudoni’s dedicated team of luxury and fashion experts know what it is you’d like to sell and they’ll pick up the goods and even package them at your convenience. Then sit back and leave the rest to them: you’ll receive a valuation and sales estimate within the week while your items are professionally photographed and authenticated. The team really know their stuff (with the help of global market research and in-house sales algorithms) so you can rest assured your Jimmy Choos will achieve a good price, and importantly, will be given a worthy platform upon which to shine. Indeed, Cudoni’s listings come with a global audience of fashion-savvy shoppers looking for that perfect piece. Once your item has sold and has been posted directly to the happy buyer, you’ll receive a secure transfer of funds, fuss free.
Savvy shopping
Of course, with that extra bit of cash in your Stella McCartney clutch, you might want to reinvest in some designer garments, and we make no apology for the fact that Cudoni is one seriously stylish rabbit hole to fall into: filled with inspired fashion finds from a Christian Lacroix blazer for £45 to a Versace jacket for over £1,000, there’s something special for every budget. Quite simply, it’s our new obsession.