A festival of food

Cast your mind back to March 2012, when we were revelling in balmy spring days, with the temperature hovering around the low twenties – it’s hard to imagine now, having just seen snowflakes drifting by outside…

Determined not to let chilly temperatures breed ever more glacial moods, we’ll be popping down to Soho next Monday, 25 March, for a taste of Mediterranean sunshine. Dehesa, The Salt Yard Group’s Soho restaurant, will be collaborating with artisan suppliers – including Picco Charcuterie, The Tea Lady and Fratelli Prandi – to host
La Sagra a Dehesa, an Italian Street Food Fiesta.

There’s a mouth-watering menu of barbecued food on offer, including Italian style sausage with rocket and Parmesan, and grilled parmesan in piadina-foccaccina, all washed down with delicious cocktails and artisan Italian beers. And, if you can handle the head freeze, there’s homemade gelato for afters; we recommend the espresso and grappa flavours.

If you fancy joining us, don’t forget your woolly hat and brolly, it may taste like Tuscany, but it’s unlikely to feel like it.