Great design on our doorstep

For the last three years, May’s Clerkenwell Design Week has been circled enthusiastically in red ink on our wall calendar. It’s an unmissable three-day festival of talks, exhibitions, workshops and open-door showrooms celebrating the very best in contemporary design. This year, we’re more excited than ever, not just because we appreciate great design when we see it, but also because the Fabric office has recently moved to EC1, placing us right in the middle of the action.

From Tuesday 21st until Thursday 23rd May, CDW will comprise over 60 showrooms, a wealth of creative agencies and businesses and apparently more architects per square mile than anywhere else on the planet. And given the event’s increasing popularity and its reputation for wide-eyed design junkies of the world flocking to Clerkenwell, we can well believe it.

Highlights include a series of fascinating talks from design doyennes taking place in the famous Farmiloe Building. One such speaker is Katie Treggiden, founder of Confessions of a Design Geek, who discusses Design For Good. But you don’t have to be a design geek to enjoy this creative hub of activity – it’s as much for design professionals as it is purely interested observers.

Have a look at the schedule, sign up for your e-badge for free entry and lose yourself in the most comprehensive collection of cutting-edge design you’re likely to see this year.